Munster -v- Leinster

I think Quinlan deserves a ban, if he was a French prop, there would be uproar. Its a pity because he's had bad luck in his career.

After Sat, I think picking Earls for the Lions was a mistake. He is a speedster for sure but I think his defensive qualities and game-reading are not sufficient especially not for Lions. I would send Darcy instead. Cian Healy was a fool to get sin-binned but apart from that, he is a fine prop and good props are badly needed with Hayes and Horan reaching their sell-by date.

Quinlan has had bad luck like the leg break but he has been v stupid in the past which has led to bans for indiscipline.

I would not write off Earls yet- he is young he will learn - bod is totally a different player now to when he was Earls age. The hard ground will suit him.
You cannot even compare Healys indescrection and Quinlans- it was stupid and done within half a second- he will learn. He will hopefully be taking over prop/winger horan soon- he made mincemeat of Hayes again!! Also if you want to write people off about petulance do you not remember DOC against Wales that nearly cost us the Grand slam??

I think it was Paddy Wallace that gave away the penalty that nearly cost us the grand slam in the last minute. I dont think you can give out about DOC or Quinlan for giving away penalties - their role is to disrupt and they do it well (mostly) but sometimes they are on the wrong side of the law - depends largely on the refs eyesight ! Quinlan was not liked by EOS and thats why he has so few Irish caps.

Earls will improve no doubt but let him - no point in sending him in front of Springboks before he has nailed down an international place. The Lions is not the Barbarians. What age was BOD in Paris when he score the hattrick?
First post after the weekend, the sorrow-drowning went on for a while. While I was prepared to post here in effusive praise of a fantastic Leinster performance, I first read through the thread and one thing struck me. WHO THE HELL IS RIGOLETTO??? My good man (I presume you are a man because your immature attitude is so abrasive), what's your problem? This game was discussed on this thread in the days before the game and it was good-natured banter between the opposing fans, with both sets wishing the other well. Leinster win and up pops what surely must be the epitomy of a bandwagon supporter. Get a grip on yourself.

Leinster were outstanding, their defence was as good as I have ever seen. It was a humbling day for us, no doubt about it. Any Leinster fans we met after the game (we sang the fields with a few of them in Molloy's on Talbot ST., great craic) were very gracious in victory. At first we said we wouldn't go to the final but have sinced changed our minds and will be there supporting Leinster. A great day for Irish rugby.

Earlier in this thread I said that the second best scenario (for me) was for the HC to remain in Ireland. Here's hoping it does. Best of luck in the final.

Were you in Molloys too Baldy? Ha ha. We probably met!

The hunchbacked jester in Verdi's opera of the same name. But please, a little kindness here as he, the said malcontent, falls under the curse of Count Monterone.
drico didnt play against munster in thomond !!!! ahahahah! are you new to sport??

I was there for the game, I had presumed Brian was there but to be honest didn't take much notice of the Leinster backs as they didn't really have the ball.

Yes I have played it, and more often than not the TV can make an incident look worse, I would leave the last word to the 'victim'. If Leo Cullen has no issue with it then neither should we.

A deliberate shoulder to a much smaller guy, could Cullens face have been injured in the game anyway, did you see Jerry Flannerys face? Its the joys of being a forward.

How quickly you forget - We were 6 points up Phillips knocked on off a lineout our scrum- DOC then goes ahead and gives him a push- pure unadulerated stupidity which led to 3 points to Wales and we might never have needed ROG Drop goal.
BOD I think was 21/22 when he scored his hat trick in paris - not much older when he scored that try for the lions. Seriously how long have you been following rugby? There have been plenty of players that have come from no where to make huge impressions with the Lions, Guscott, P Wallace, Greenwood, Bateman - don't write someone off after one average game.
I guess Quinlans 6 week ban for stamping on Mark Lewis in 2006 was Eddie o sullivans fault as well or the 3 week ban he got in November after the All black game was his fault as well? Gouging is cowardly and has no place in the game he deserves a Minimum 18 week ban - tincu got a year, Neil best got a long ban and so did Corry and they did not even have photo evidence for the last 2!!
singing or crying?

We were in Messer Maguires. At one piont a Leinster jersey clad man just came up and hugged me and walked off, I was touched in more ways than one.
Yes I have played it, and more often than not the TV can make an incident look worse, I would leave the last word to the 'victim'. If Leo Cullen has no issue with it then neither should we.

No it is up to to Citing commissioner- of course Cullen is going to protect his mate. He closed his fingers on his eyes pure cowardly!!
No it is up to to Citing commissioner- of course Cullen is going to protect his mate. He closed his fingers on his eyes pure cowardly!!

But only those involved can really tell what happened, does Quinlan have previous for gouging? No matter how often you throw in that you think it is cowardly it won't change the fact that Quinlan aint no coward.

Firstly, the 3 points that brought Wales to 15 was a drop-goal. Not a penalty.

Those Lions you mentioned were already experienced internationals.

It is not the first time Earls has been caught defensively. The point I am making is that BOD got called up to the Lions after playing brilliantly for Ireland. Earls has been called up to the Lions too early.

You are new to rugby aren't you?

Totally missed the point if it had not been for DOC silly penalty they would have needed 2 drop goals

No they weren't Guscott was not even capped when he went on his first lions tour either had greenwood or bateman (only one tour) when they went on their first lions tour. Not even sure Eric miller had been capped in 1997 if he had it was only a couple!! There are always bolters in lions tours and others who do not live up their reputation- Carling was an experienced English captain of a winning team that did not get near the lions team. Earls will learn from this same as Mafi has - BOD missed a bad tackle this year on Sackey in the Wasps away game- does that mean he is a bad defender?