Multiple speeding tickets


Registered User
Hi, I've just received 3 speeding tickets for doing over 100 in a special 80 zone on one of our countries excellent motorways. I honestly don't speed habitually and did not realise there was a restriction until I got my first ticket. Anyway, mea culpa and all that but it feels like triple jeopardy.
Any legal minded opinions on whether this is worth appealing to say sorry and pay one of the three? Stonethrowers please don't respond.
was there not a case of someone put of the road by getting penalty points for speeding twice in the one zone every day of the week or something like that. It may have been on the Lucan road.

Don't think there's much you can do about it.
Bloody hell, that seems draconian. At least if you get pulled over you get a warning not to do it again. Thanks peno.
Seek professional advice quickly. Certain elements of this law are completely unjust and need challenging.
I'm only quibbling over 160EURO (and 4 points). It woud cost me more than that in cash+hassle to talk to a lawyer and make a case unless I was pretty certain I'd win. That's why I came here!
Ok, I thought you had got more than 3 and were facing a ban. You may be better off to pay.

What should be challenged is that there is no statuatory time limit in which the notices must be sent to the owner. In the UK it is 14 days, why can't that be done here?
I really think it's bull****. I am still not even sure where the damn speedlimit is posted and am a repeat offender without ever getting prior notice. Anyway whinging here won't help, I'll pay up and make a formal complaint. Anyone know what the best channel for this would be?
You can potentially appeal it if the speed limit isn't posted - I think it may have been done in a couple of cases though I don't recall the details, and I can't find anything useful by googling (largely because it would appear that too many people speed in this country - though I know you said no stonethrowers! ). You'd need to be very sure of your facts, though. A more cautious approach would be to pay "under protest" accompanied by a letter of complaint if you can reach a reasonable level of certainty that the limit isn't clearly posted on approach roads or on the motorway.

If your complaint is that the limit isn't signed, the avenue of complaint is to the relevant county council; if it's to do with service of notices, it's probably the Gardaí.
The motorway in questions wouldn't be the M1 would it? In our office 6 of our staff have received penalty points - 4 of them received them on the strip between the port tunnel and Swords. The speedlimit is 80 here but people still seem to think its 120. They seem to have a good few cameras there at the moment. the other 2 got them going past Whitehall church where the speed limit is 60.

I'm always double careful to go within the limit there now and its amazing the amount of abuse you get from cars going past you as they assume you are some kind of Sunday driver!