Mr SS has just been made redundant - entitlements??


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Mr SS has been told this evening hes being made redundant. Hes the head manager in this company.

Hes got a mortgage, loans, car etc.

Where do we go from here?

What are his entitlements regarding dole / SW etc.

Hopefully he wont be out of work for long as hes very eager to get back into work ASAP. Hes with this company for 2 years full time and earning €61k + bonus up to €31k

All advise very gratefully received....

It is bad

We thought yesterday things might look better in the morning. fat chance of that...

Mr SS is going to head for citizens advise bureau today and hopefully a job will turn up soon. He`s no problem going abroad for a while if needs be. Hes very high up in the motor industry but that particular industry has taken an awful nosedive during this recession....

He`s going to sign on today also. Balls to it anyway
Mr SS and you have had a big shock and it needs to be treated as such.
Get the signing on paperwork out of the way quickly. Usually you need to register with FAS and sign on in local welfare office.

Then take a day or two off and make no serious decisions. Go for a walk, tidy up the garden, do whatever. Get some sleep.

Just clear the head a bit first. Then sit down and work out the immediate finances and job hunt strategy.

(Speaking from experience of being made redundant twice in 18 months back in 2001-2 tech downturn).