Moving from UPC to Satellite.


Registered User
I still have the old UPC analogue cable system for my TV. I have not upgraded to their Horizon system. We recently noticed that we are getting a loud buzzing electronic sound whenever we watch RTE 2. This sound does not affect any other channels. We contacted UPC and we were told that we had a loose cable. I would have thought that all channels would have been affected with a loose cable and not just RTE 2. Anyone else having this problem?

Despite having 6 months left on our annual payment to UPC we have decided to go down the satellite route and ditch UPC. We are based in Dublin South. We have 3 TV's in our house wired up to UPC. Usage of these 3 TV's is about 70%, 25% and 5%. Even though we are paying extra for these outlets from UPC we would like to continue to have them when we move to satellite TV.

Our internet is provided by Vodafone but we would like to keep our TV on a separate system.

We are looking for a recommendation for a satellite TV installer in our area. Someone who will install any wiring, neat and tidy/invisible and where possible run any cables behind walls and use the existing UPC wall socket outlets in addition to providing quality materials.

I remember Flowerman giving a recommendation some time ago but I cannot seem to find his post.