Moving back in to former home where ex still lives....

Lone Star

Registered User
Posting by way of research for a friend: The friend moved out of the family home 8 years ago, after separating and subsequently divorcing. Currently renting with her teenage twins, the landlord may be selling up. Both parties remain on the mortgage....[mortgage payments not straightforward - however at this point in time both spouses would have paid in similar amounts over the years - be it monthly or via lump sum]. My friend is just wondering - worse case scenario - Could they just move back in ??!! The locks may have been changed? but if both of them are contributing to the mortgage - and there is nothing in the divorce agreement - is there anything legally that prevents this person and her children moving back in?
Perhaps a moderator can move the post to a more appropriate forum section - I posted under 'other financial' as it was as close as I could get to best fit. a mediator won't work.. AAM is brilliant - and I'm certain someone will have some ideas.
I'd be aghast if the property wasn't dealt with in divorce. It ceased to be the 'family home' I presume so wouldn't be guaranteed that the ex wife could just move back in
...I think it's not a straightforward's still a family home on paper....the spouse remaining refuses to remove the ex from the mortgage....
Bronte: It could be move in or sleep in the street? the landlord could well sell and the rent they pay is below market rates in the county, and they won't be able to afford current rates....the ex spouse has had it handy for a long time and made money out of the house by air bnbing etc.

Thanks Brendan. the Deeds can be looked into. (The deeds are held by bank usually?)
Red Onion - just got the folio - yes both names still on it - 'full owner as tenant-in-common of 1 undivided 1/2'

and stop justifying moving in.

This 100%.

the ex spouse has had it handy for a long time and made money out of the house by air bnbing etc.

Maybe they don't. Maybe the ex is renting out a room because they are struggling with the mortgage? Who knows?

But it is madness for a divorced couple to move back in with each other. They divorced because they couldn't live with each other. Why would that have changed?

Is this the same case as the €250,000 loan from the sister or have you another mad situation?
Two totally separate situations - either end of the country - in court on same day - how mad is that! Don't get me started on the illegal creche across the road - I work from home and the noise is unreal - not to mention her unregistered chickens...dirty spot for kids to be minded.....

Where I live is just a myriad of noise and nuttiness!! (we'll get to a quiet spot yet!)

The ex rents the room to furnish a lifestyle - he has two cars - one a very sporty convertible....
News to me that you have to register chickens...

Don't recall anyone complaining about being raised on a farm.
The ex rents the room to furnish a lifestyle - he has two cars - one a very sporty convertible....
Is the proceeds of this split evenly between the two owners ? There's way too much going on here and I'm certain there are loads of factors that your friend has not told you. You need to stop people piling boulders on your shoulder. Anyway from your original post we are talking about a maybe here.
Elcato: No proceeds from air bnb shared.....No i'm fairly informed on most of the material. She could end up in a tricky situation with the rental. She's as decent as they come, and this is a worst case, last choice scenario. It's not boulder piling, I'm happy to make enquiries.

Re the digress: Yip - a flock of 1 has to be registered - ah i'm just being a pedant on that point, the state of the place though....12 rarely gets a good clean....chickens now...hamsters, a rabbit in a dirty hutch and a bichon friese she lets out for his daily plop - often in my garden!!!

I was up home recently, staying out the country - the peace...oh the peace was unreal!
"The locks may have been changed" That statement alone sends out signals and that's apart from the legalities of it all, which would no doubt have been sorted if they're divorced.
The friend moved out of the family home 8 years ago, after separating and subsequently divorcing. Currently renting with her teenage twins,

My friend is just wondering - worse case scenario - Could they just move back in ??!! ?

You cannot be serious

She needs to go to the Council, maybe emergency accommodation is on the cards for her and her twins for a while anyway, a far better and safer solution than what's she's proposing. I wonder how this house was never sorted out during the divorce proceedings, very odd indeed.
Leaving the legalities and the financial aspect aside, please do not let you friend subject her children to living in that toxic environment. There will always be an option 2.