Moving after only 1yr


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We bought a property in a busy town and moved in last November (main for convenience as we have teenage kids), nice house and estate but after 14yrs in the countryside and now living opposite a very lively green area we miss our peace & privacy and want to sell up early next yr. The thing is what reason should I give for moving on? I know it's no ones business, but still after only one yr I need to come up with something rather than we made a mistake and hate it! I dont want to put off a potential buyer......Any suggestions gratefully received
I don't see that you need to say anything; but you are incurring a chunk of legal fees & I wonder if you should give it a bit more time?

Your reasons for moving to this area in the first place are still valid - i.e. you have children of an age that need more social interactivity & are not yet driving. I'd suggest giving it another while; this has been an extraordinary year on every front & it might all change again in another 12 months.
Thanks for the replies.
Yes I have been thinking about the money end of things too, and it is such a waste of money but I never mentioned that we are also the make shift goal for the estates kids, that may not bother some people but its probably the main reason I want out, have put up a high pair of gates etc asked footballers to find another house to use as goal (maybe their own!!) But kids will play where they want and the parents turn a blind eye as they don't want their property being bashed. In short it's a misery, I could have 10-15 kids in full on fifa mode most days. So I'm done I think..

Have you tried getting advice from your Community Garda about putting a stop to this. It will be hard to do viewings for any sale if you have this type of stuff going on on a daily basis.
I have thought about it but seeing as the kids are mostly neighbours kids it could make things worse, however I may have to consider it. I have said it to a parent but she could have cared less. I will see how it goes, I really didn't want to go down that track, I'm stressed out enough as it is. Thanks for advice though
I once bought a house from the plans in a new estate, waited I guess 9 months for it to be built/finished and then moved in - spend a lot fitting it out nicely and sold it 13 months later. Turns out I was not crazy keen on the area after all, the commute was a bit much and the neighbours irritated me a little - not drastic just a slow drip drip drip of minor annoyances.

Did the maths and sold up, seemed like it made more sense to not focus on the sunken costs and better to try and find somewhere to be happier. In the scheme of things the legal fees Vs a lifetime of happiness seems small. Move or don’t move but please don’t spend the next 10 years wishing you’d decided sooner
Yes, that's my thinking, sometimes it's either for you or it's not, I consider myself lucky really that at least I can go and am not stuck. Thanks a mill

The softer you are in these situations the harder it will be on you. As they obviously don't care about you why would you care about them.