Moved Job - will it affect loan application?


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I've just moved to a new job - after 5 years with the last company I've got a better job on slightly more money - its a safe move - however I have not told my bank yet. I'm a good customer, been with them for 10+ years. I've just finished paying off a fairly large loan (20k+) - but now I want to borrow again, a smaller amount this time (5k). Is it likely that they will not give me a loan due to the change in my job? Thanks
I don't see why, if as you suggest this is a "safe move" with "slightly more money".

Security of tenure is always an issue and redundancy issues may arise.

However you now seem MORE secure than before.
Depends on the lender and the loan product. We applied for a mortgage recently and were refused by KBC as one of us had moved job in the past 12 months, even though the new position was much better. AIB had no issue with it.