Move from regular gas boiler to condensing boiler


Registered User
Hi there

WE had a guy out the other day from Panda suggesting we change our current gas boiler and no zoned system to a condensing gas boiler with 3 zones - upstairs/downstairs/cylinder.
We have currently a Vokera Mynute 28se (think that's BTUs - not too up to date with the terms) which does 12 radiators some of them floor to wall practically and works just fine.

Anyway he says they will replace our existing boiler with a comparable Worcester condensing boiler, set up the zones, flush the system for sludge, set up a magnetic filter to prevent future sludge, do a chemical heating protector and it will save us loads of money on our future gas bills. The cost will be almost 4.5k. The price includes a 15% discount which we may or may not get.

A couple of questions.
Is the whole move worth it? We don't have zones now but I do turn off the radiators upstairs every night going to bed and turn them on in the evening.

If it is worth it, is the price provided a good one?

Is investing this money in a gas based system the way forward? Should we be looking at putting the money somewhere else?
We have done internal insulation in most of the house already.

That quote is high. Get some more quotes and compare. If he says that is including a 15% discount you should be wary and get some quotes from reputable installers in your area.
Do you know how much you are spending on space heating at the moment? I am in a similar position but we have a modest size 3 bed semi and spend about 700-800/year on space and water heating. Even if I save 20% of that (which I a find hard to believe), it will take forever to pay back the price of a new boiler.

Of course I will have to replace it at some stage but I will not do it before time unless it can pay for itself.

We were discussing this yesterday after reading your message, and I have gone through the last two years of gas bills and it was about 1100 per year. That includes our cooking which obviously would not benefit from a new gas boiler. No idea how much cooking costs, maybe 20%? so I'll assume approx 900 for heating.

The guy said 20% saving for the boiler itself and 30% for zoning.
So since we don't heat upstairs much and when we do I do zoning currently but probably not as well as it could, if we're lucky we would save say 25% off the heating bill, 225e a year - so 20 years to claw back the investment - assuming gas prices stay the same. I think we might hold out for a while, the boiler is regularly serviced and doesn't seem to need changing other than for the cost saving reason.

Thanks for your input.
That quote is high. Get some more quotes and compare. If he says that is including a 15% discount you should be wary and get some quotes from reputable installers in your area.
Yes, definitely, we got another installer from Chadwicks who they recommend, thanks!