Most memorable tv programmes

Had a quick look through the whole thread and haven't seen

Joe 90
Hill Street Blues

It's back! They are showing repeats on C4 around 4am a few nights each week. Set your recorder.....

Absolute classic! Probably my all time favourite TV gram.

I don't know what there was about it, but no program before or since has captivated me to the same extent.

Looking forward to seeing it again.

Re: Hill Street Blues

Absolute classic! Probably my all time favourite TV gram.

I don't know what there was about it, but no program before or since has captivated me to the same extent.

Looking forward to seeing it again.

Indeed, I've laughed more watching these repeats over the last week than I've laughed at anything on TV over the last year.

Howard: You don't understand, Phil. It's not that kind of relationship. I showed her my duelling pistols of course.
Phil: Grace and I went out the forest for a spot of nude horseback riding. It still chafes a little, but it was worth it. Why don't you and Lorraine come with us sometime, Howard.
Re: Hill Street Blues

Loved the strange cop who ate the weird food and growled at people all the time. Was he called Animal?
It was Mick Belker.

They made him less strange as the series went on and even started showing some of his private life. I think he ended up with a girlfriend called Robin and there may even have been a baby.

I think he was played by Bruce Weitz. I know I could look this up on Wikipedia or IMDB, but I prefer to see how much I can remember unaided. God, I loved that program!

And what about Joyce Davenport, played by Veronica Hamel? I loved Hill Street Blues and she was the icing on the cake for me! I thought she and Frank Furillo (Daniel J. Travanti) were the perfect couple.
And what about Joyce Davenport, played by Veronica Hamel? I loved Hill Street Blues and she was the icing on the cake for me! I thought she and Frank Furillo (Daniel J. Travanti) were the perfect couple.

Wasn't there some talk about them being a couple off telly also

I also liked the tall guy who gave the pep talk at roll call each morning. Think he was Phil mentioned in Complainer's post. Quite sad when he got cancer and often looked very sick and gaunt in some episodes.

Giving our old age away here when I just checked and we are talking about 1981 here
And what about Joyce Davenport, played by Veronica Hamel? I loved Hill Street Blues and she was the icing on the cake for me! I thought she and Frank Furillo (Daniel J. Travanti) were the perfect couple.
Especially when she'd call him 'pizzaman'! Travanti was previously an alcoholic, so he knew what he was talking about.
It's shown on More4 Mon-Fri around 2pm...I sky plussed it for ages, but they're back in repeats now!

Classic show - who could forget Andrew J Renko.....!!
Oh, Sue Ellen! After you'd posted, I did some googling and there seems to be quite a lot of speculation that Daniel J is actually gay. Fair play to him but it shattered my "Perfect TV Couple" image that I had in my mind! (And I know they were only acting!).
I think I'll substitute Frank and Joyce with Fielding Carlyle (Mark Harmon) and Lane Balloo (Cristina Raines) from Flamingo Road. I know there was a lot going on with relationships in Flamingo Road but they, for me, were great together. Was Mark Harmon voted the sexiest man in the world back around then?
Yes, gipimann, Renko was great also. Is it true that he thrashed the Hill Street Blues set the day the bosses came in and announced they were axing the show?