Most memorable tv programmes



Ah there have been so many good ones down through the years but they had to end now all that remains are the beloved re runs...
Quote some catch Fraze's or even theme music...

My most memorable tv programmes were:

Different Strokes "Now the world done move to the beat of just one drum, what might be right for you may not be right for some"......

"who'd joo talkin bout Willis"

Fraggle Rock " Dance your cares away worries for another day, let the music play, down in Fraggle Rock"

Ahhh yes..
Anything on either of these two sites:

[broken link removed]
For those of use who used to inhabit "one channel land" ....Lolack and Bolack. (Polish Cartoons were all the rage back then).

Some other memorable programmes included

Garda Patrol (any one remember the theme "tune" - clue think dustbin lids)
Cross Country Quiz
Tolka Row
The Riordans
The Nuacht (8:00 pm version)
The Late Late Show (Saturday night version)
Billy Smarts Circus - Featuring "plate twirling" on Christmas day.
Telefis Scoile (the reason you went back to school the next day after feining illness)
Amuigh faoin Speir
Rugby Internationals on Saturday Afternoons
Gaelic Games Championship Matches on Sunday Afternoons
Buntus Cainte

The Irish Permanent ad for 4 1/2% tax free which went on for about 10 years (we all learned how to make fours from that ad)

.. I could keep going. It should be obvious that the "one channel land" experince has left me permanently scarred.


The Persuaders was one of my favourites Roger Moore and Tony Curtis....made me feel like a playboy millionaire after watching only to fiind out that i was not.

I love 70,s TV like Kojak, Starsky and loved Minder.
Re: Yeah

Twin Peaks - damn fine series (at least the first one)
Re: Yeah

3's Company, the one where there was some sort of a mis-understanding........
ol' favourites

Wanderly wagon - o'brien, judge and the gang

Forty coats (with his fifty pockets - never understood that...)
Robert Vaughan.

I was an agent for The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I even wore a black poloneck like Ilya Kuriakin. I wonder where my membership card is.....

internation youth knock out and scratch saturday. i was allowed to stay up to watch V once.
Re: tele

"The Prisoner" is my most memorable. They re-ran the series late at night when I was about 13 and it was my first introduction to Orwellian-style ideas on dystopias and totalitarianism. Fantastically imaginative if a little surreal at times (the cast and crew had to be on an acid trip doing the last episode) and really well filmed and a great location (that I will definitely get around to visiting one day). And give me Patrick McGoohan as a proper leading man any day, yummy! They really don't make programmes like that anymore.

I really liked the late night "show" that Sean Moncrief ran on Fridays or Saturdays about 10 years ago on Net 2. He had re-runs of Fawlty Towers but it was his links that made the whole thing.

What was the kids programme with the young guy that played Arftul Dodger in Oliver? There were furry animals of the Mr. Snuffelupigus (sp?) type in it.

I had a soft spot for Falcon Crest and Knots Landing too. Not to mention Demspey and Makepiece, Cagney and Lacey (on re-runs now, woohoo!), Matlock (!!), Tales of the Unexpected, V, Tomorrow's World, Doctor Who, Jackanory ......

And what about radio - I still miss Aunty Poppy's storytime on Sunday mornings! haha

Shay Healy's NightHawks

Shay Healy's NightHawks... where is Shay now?
Fave TV

The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams

'He was a special man,with an incredible ability
to make friends with wild animals. He
was Grizzly Adams

'Maybe there's a world where we don't have to run.
And maybe there's a time we'll call our own.
Living free in harmony and majesty.
Take me home, take me home.
the littlest hobo

there's a voice/keeps on callin' me
down the road/that's where i'll always be
every stop i make/ i make a new friend
can't stay fro long/ just turn around and i'm gone again
maybe tomorrow i'll want to settle down
until tomorrrow i'll just keep moving on.

never forgot those lyrics, never will
a great dog, better that lassie.
Re: Shay Healy's NightHawks

Shay Healy's NightHawks... where is Shay now?

I heard him on the wireless a few months ago promoting an album of kids' songs that he had recorded in a sort of heavy metal/punk rock style. :eek He also produced and directed the profile of Dermot Morgan a few months ago. He hasn't gone away you know.

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The Prisoner

Loved this pro gramme but my god did'nt it annoy you , who is number 2 , the worst had to be the episode when he escapes , the goes back on a jet plane only to be jettisoned out above the island and back into prison.

But i loved every minute , the last show with Rumpole of the Bailey was excellent.

But where the fu*k was the island.
Re: The Prisoner

Hall's Pictorial Weekly....
frank Kelly in his hayday with the local council from Ballymagash...a classic


It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight.

It's time to put on makeup
It's time to dress up right
It's time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight.

Why do we always come here
I guess we'll never know
It's like a kind of torture
To have to watch the show

And now let's get things started
Why don't you get things started
It's time to get things started
On the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational
This is what we call the Muppet Show!
Hill Street Blues.

"Be careful out there".

Mr. Ed (the talking horse)
Green Acres (loved the pancakes)
Podge and Rodge
Only Fools and Horses.

Who can forget "Hart to Hart"?!

Especially the bit at the beginning when Max the butler did the voice over....

(in a gravelly voice) "...when they met, it was moy-dah"!