Most hated phrases & management speak

I'm in the IT sector! I have only ever heard "Brown bag meeting" in England, the others i've heard here though...
What annoys me is when people end they're sentence on a high note, everyone seems to be doing it at the moment.
I find that people who end sentences on a high note have either
a) lived in Australia or,
b) lived with Australians or,
c) watch too much Kath and Kim

It annoys me immensely too.
On the rare occasion when I can't avoid a meeting, and for my own entertainment, I make it my raison d'et to work in as many anglicised French phrases as possible.
Yes. But is this consistent with your core values?
Its not necessarily management speak but when you get an email with "Just a gentle reminder....."

Grrr, why bother saying that when you've just sent the mail anyway, why not just remind me as normal!?
"Bang for your buck" was all the rage a few years ago, but the latest one driving me round the twist is when people at a meeting say "I can speak to that" when a particular agenda item comes up.

To that, not about that, shheesh!!
What annoys me is when people end they're sentence on a high note, everyone seems to be doing it at the moment.

Yeah I noticed that, every statement now sounds like a question! Very annoying!
"Optics" has entered our vocab here. As in "you must consider the optics", which just means "look everyone thinks we're a bunch of ******, and this is only likely to make it worse. So best not to say that officially"

"Synergies" enters more so now. It's a handy euphemism for, "we've made a few redundant and you've had a pay cut, but we'll name this new doing more for less environment so it sounds like a nice shampoo and you won't notice."

Also known to cause some annoyance:

"do not hesitate to contact me" and any other attempt to appear literate in emails.

"the situation is" (can never hear that without trying to say situation in a Northie accent out loud...similar automatic response to the South African accent which has me quoting Lethal Weapon 2...Diplomatic Imminuity!!!)

"At the end of the day" Apart from the sun setting, what exactly is it that happens at the end of the day? What is this magical event I'm supposed to know about?
'My door is always open'.

Usually said by Managers who look up and frown distractedly when anyone taps hesitantly on their 'open' door.
similar automatic response to the South African accent which has me quoting Lethal Weapon 2...Diplomatic Imminuity!!!)
That's not a South African accent in the movie, it's a somewhat mangled Aussie accent.
My favourite but one you will never hear comes from father ted
"That would be an ecumenical matter"
although it referred to the church it showed that jargon is universal in all organisations , the most jargon filled organisation at the moment is the government and civil service, back in 2000 it was the high tech companies, it is funny that jargon seems to be out of fashion in high tech now , the more easy money there is the more it attracts jargon and obfuscation
"Let's take it offline"
Meaning: you’ve brought up a subject that makes me look like an idiot, or there is someone else in the room I don’t want knowing about that issue or we want to talk about you behind your back.