Most Handsome Men of the Century

Jeremy Irons is lovely as well.

So far the most popular guys for most handsome man seem to be (in no particular order):

Sean Connery
Liam Neeson
George Clooney
Colin Firth

also a couple of mentions for Paul Newman, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp.

Notice David Beckham hasn't been mentioned.
I have never understood the colin Firth thing, I think he should thank his PR people.
When i was a young man, not today or yesterday, it always puzzled me why plain bordering on ugly men always scored with pretty women.
When i was a young man, not today or yesterday, it always puzzled me why plain bordering on ugly men always scored with pretty women.

Well, I would always go for a plain guy with a great personality over a good looking guy who was dull/shallow/full of himself. I think looks are always only part of it (or most people would never hook up with anyone).
Notice David Beckham hasn't been mentioned.

Or the real model of the English premiership, the one and only Freddie Ljunberg.
I was walking around Macys a few years ago and there was a huge poster of Ljunberg in his Calvin Kleins. I said "what the hell is Freddie doing modelling that??!!". The wife had never heard of Freddie and I explained that he played for Arsenal, then for West Ham. She was very impressed.
Amazing how he stayed under the radar at this side of the pond as a footballer while being celebrated as a model all over the world. I don't think the Americans realised he was a footballer.