Mortgage Protection refused in error. Mortgage declined

Exactly right cm.
I had a client yesterday filling out a life porposal form, he had mild asthma and had not had any sort of attack for 2 years and was on no medication. i put down this fact on the form and the ins co has come back today not requireing anything further and at normal terms. HOWever had I not put down the full facts there would definitly been doctors questioneer(time delay) and probably a loading.
Give all relevent info is my attitude.
jem said:
Give all relevent info is my attitude.

Eh...Iwas ringing twice aday to tell them Id had no changes in two years, required no treatment according to my consultant and got letters to prove such facts. they still wouldnt listen.
Unfortunately, I get the impression that it might cut more ice with them if it's written (annotated) on the form or otherwise put in writing rather than telling them by phone.