Mortgage Interest Relief Query



Hopefully someone can give me a straight answer on this as I've been told conflicting stories!

My partner and I are paying a mortgage on a house. We're not married. We are both on the mortgage yet only her name is on the deeds. She had FTB status at the time, I did not.

Up to now she has been claiming Mortgage interest relief and I have not. However my previous house that I owned, I was an FTB. And it was sold 2 years into my 7 year interest relief period. THerefore I am technically on year 4 of the 7 year interest relief period.

Am i entitled to claim interest relied in any way/shape/form?
From what I know, you would still be entitled to FTB TRS (year 4 of 7). Your partner may be on a different rate for tax relief because the rates were re-jigged in the December budge, but you are also entitled to your own rate of TRS. Best contact Revenue to clarify if you have gotten different advice from different sources.