Mortgage Documentation


Registered User
I tried unsuccessfully to contact House mortgages of a certain bank to request a copy of my mortgage documentation as I dont have a copy of it. They told me that since it was drawn down last December, they couldnt help me. has anyone any idea where I could go or who I should contact to retrieve a copy for my own files?
Many thanks
why couldn't they help you exactly? You're going to be giving them a nice sum for the next few years I imagine...couldn't or wouldn't?
Section 130 of the 1995 Consumer Credit Act

130.—A mortgage lender shall in respect of a housing loan, issue to the borrower:

( a ) at the time the loan is made, or as soon as may be practicable thereafter a copy of the mortgage deed (including any contract relating thereto) which copy shall be additional to any copy of such mortgage deed issued to his legal representative, and
( b ) a statement of the total amount outstanding on the loan on a specified date occurring not more than one year after the making of the loan and at intervals of not more than one year thereafter until the loan is fully repaid, such statement being issued as soon as practicable after the date specified.

Also, go back to your solicitor - perhaps the dealing is not yet registered and they could provide it.
