Mortgage Arrears EBS


Registered User
I have two mortgages with EBS, €285k and €185k with total arrears of €25k, i lost my job for 14 months and paid interest only for nearly two years now, EBS are now ruling that I must move from interest only payments of €1670 per month to full repayments of €3050 per month, my net salary is €6700 whilst my outgoings are €6300 ( i am separated and maintaining two households). I have three properties Family home €400k, (in which i live with my two grown up sons) Apartment €385k my separated wife lives here) and an apartment in Portugal €300k. I have agreed to sell the Portugal property , this will take some time and use that money to pay down debt, i need to get ebs to split my mortgage in the meantime or give me interest only and freeze arrears or some room to sell the oversea property without imposing full repayments,They say I have 20 days to appeal their decision although i havent received letter yet just a phone call. What would you advise ? many thanks Fiach