Mortgage and temporary contracts

Niamh mccarthy

Registered User
Hi, my husband and I are trying to buy our first house. It is proving difficult as he is a lecturer on temporary contract, he works between 2 different colleges.
We have been renting for the last 10 years and have been trying for years with little or no success.
We have savings and the deposit. We are not looking to borrow a large sum of money we want to live with in our means.
The 2 contracts are rolling 1 is going into the 4th year and the other 3rd year. Is there a financial institution that welcomes temporary teaching contracts, it could be years before a permanent position becomes available... Any guidance or similar experience would be greatly appreciated
Talk to a good broker, they will know who is most likely to do business with you based on your circumstances.
Following. We are in a similar position. Husband is newly in permanent position with probation period just passed, I am in 4th year of rolling contracts. We decided to go through a broker in a rural town based on personal recommendation.

I am in a similar situation. We moved to Ireland 1.5 years ago. My husband is a lecturer on a three-year contract. I am a permanent engineer. Recently, got rejected by KBC!

Any of you had succeeded in getting mortgage approval? How did you go about it?

Really appreciate your answers.