Monica Leech, George Mordaunt etc on Prime Time Tuesday 12 March

Georgie getting plenty of publicity for his latest book

An article in today's SBP, but behind a paywall

Interview with Ryan Tubridy recently on his radio show
[broken link removed]
"I was'nt a flashy guy"....ehm, what about the helicopter rides, 5 star family holidays, 150k beamers offloaded after a year or 2 for a 1/5th of their value!
"I stood no chance buying shares" as after having listened to the Anglo tapes, he now knows the banks were stitching everyone up. Maybe a bit more time studying the share you were buying rather than rushing to buy 10k worth of shares on the airport tarmac whilst heading to the Sth of France.

Tubridy even played a montage of the Anglo phone calls with the Fugees music, with rte news announcements of cuts to health services and special needs assistants in schools...and Drumm and Bowe laughing in the background.
An unbelievable bit of public service broadcasting again there from rte

An article in the last month
"Don’t give in and don’t be swayed by slick marketing and advertising campaigns..."!!!!!!

Ya gotta love him
Thanks Delboy

He hadn't a clue and he still hasn't a clue. He comes across as a bit of a clown in the SBP article

Mordaunt will continue "servicing" part of the debt. He will pay penalties on another part, and a third part will be written off. He estimates that he will be repaying debt for the next 15 years.

"It's great to do a speech and get €3,000. But I'm on the road 24-7. Driving home at 12.30am, eating Kentucky Fried Chicken. You do the day job, you do the speeches, you take the pay and hand it all over."

What is wrong with repaying debt for 15 years? Many people have 30 year mortgages and repaying debt to acquire an asset is perfectly legitimate.

It sounds to me though as if AIB has made an idiot out of him. He would have been much better going bankrupt in the UK and he would be debt-free now. He could keep the proceeds of the sales of his book and the €3,000 speakers fees instead of handing them over to AIB. I certainly would not recommend anyone to go to him for debt advice.

But he is still getting publicity

a documentary TV series featuring Mordaunt, Taking Care Of Business, will air on RTE One in the coming weeks.
His self-perception is accurate enought though

"I see myself as a dumb-ass, dyslexic car salesman in Clonmel,"
This article is referred to on [broken link removed] where one contributor says

Full page puff piece on George Mordaunt in SBP today. Explains how he's re-invented himself.

I have to say that I agree with the other contributor who said

I didn't see it as a puff piece at all. I thought the journalist skewered him in quite a delightful and subtle way. I don't think he came out of the piece that well really.

I suspect that Mordaunt was pleased with the piece himself, not appreciating the subtlety of it.