Minister Dempsey - Five Time Loser!



Is Minister Dempsey a serious liability in any Government?

In his career spanning Environment and Education he has made at least five very serious errors. (The latest being his mad cap school bonds scheme).

Memo to Bertie: Dump the five time loser.


The bond thing may have been kite flying at bertie's suggestion. Don't rule it out, the gov has to soak up that money somehow to stop a spending spree and inflation

dempsey- a kite-hawk?

kite flying at bertie's suggestion

So Dempsey is Berties Kite-Hawk? Even Bertie is not devious or cunning enought to dream up some of Dempseys mad schemes. Or is he?

mad cap????

Just to let you know that governments all over the world issue bonds every day.

It is not "mad cap".

It is simply long-term borrowing to fund capital expenditures.

Post Office savings are another type of government borrowing.

Most bonds are not ear-marked for any particular purpose. All Dempsey is suggesting is a bond to finance purely education capital spending.

He is also suggesting that people be encouraged to invest their SSIA proceeds in this bond.

No big deal, just another form of govt borrowing.
Five Time Loser?

ajapale wrote;
In his career spanning Environment and Education he has made at least five very serious errors. (The latest being his mad cap school bonds scheme).
I have to disagree with you there ajapale.

The plastic bag tax has been a great success

The proposed reintroduction of third level fees so that the government could target resources at those who really need them would have been a bit of good social planning. For the record i have three children and I would have to pay fees if they were reintroduced. I think that those who are luckily enough to be able to pay for thing should so that those who can't afford it aren't subsidising the rich ( poor people's kids still don't go to third level as much as middle income people's kids so the taxes paid by all disproportionately benefit the well off).

I don't know te man and have never had any dealings with him and I'm not sure what the other two screw up's were but Minister Dempsey strikes me as a conviction politician.
A rare thing is this country and FF in particular.
Re: Five Time Loser?

I'm not sure what the other two screw up's were

One has got to be his presence at the birth of the highly dubious eVoting system which cost €55 million of taxpayers hard-earned to put the core of our democratic system at risk. Interesting to note that Venezeula's eVoting system in the recent highly controversial election had the Voter Verifiable Audit Trail that was missing from the Powervote system for Ireland.

One has got to be his presence at the birth of the highly dubious eVoting system which cost €55 million of taxpayers hard-earned to put the core of our democratic system at risk
yep, I'll give you that one, putting the core of democracy at risk etc is a little OTT but it eas a screw up all right.
The recent Venezeulan election was only "highly controversial" because George Bush's government didn't like the results. After all they did try to over throw the same government a few years back.