Minimum number of hours per week to benefit.


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My goodwife is presently working 21 hours per week, 5 mornings. She wants to reduce her working week to 18 hours per week, 4 mornings. At the moment she is paying/qualifying for 1 social welfare contribution per week. Question. Is there a minimum number of hours per week that a person has to work in order to qualify for a paid contribution?
The number of hours you work does not matter, unless you earn less than €37 or €38 per week which is class J (and is not much good). Anything over that figure you are entitled to one Class A contribution per week ie if you worked 3 hours per week at €15 per hour you would have one class A contribution. Thats the situation as far as I know it.
That is correct. Its the amount of total amount of money per week that matters. Class A is from €38.01 per week upwards. The actual money amount only comes into play when claiming UB, where the weekly amount is based on average earnings in the relevant year.