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Any advice on how to stop millipedes coming into my house? The old 'No Millipedes' sign just hasn't worked. We are finding about 1 every 2 days at present mostly on the ground floor, but some on 1st floor also.
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Millipedes prefer moist, decaying organic matter (similar to forest soil) and shade. Always keep compost piles, grass clippings, rotting wood, leaf piles, plant debris, stones, etc. away from the house foundation as far as practical to reduce moist, damp, dark places where feeding and reproduction can occur. Be sure to check for wood imbedded or buried in the soil.

Also, ivy beds and mulch near the house may become a favored habitat. Rake and remove trash or leaf litter in a strip three feet wide surrounding the house foundation if practical, exposing the soil surface to drying from the air and sunlight. Repair and seal cracks and openings in the foundation wall and around door and window frames with caulking compound and weather stripping.

Properly ventilate basements and subfloor crawl spaces to eliminate excess moisture. Indoors, many will die of desiccation (drying out) and can be collected by broom and dustpan, vacuum cleaner or other mechanical means and discarded.

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Does anyone else have any experience of Millipedes? I moved in to my house a year ago and discovered I had an infestation crawling up my outside walls at night time. I eventually managed to control them by putting down ant powder all around the foundations of both the house (a bungalow) and separate garage. I thought I had cured the problem but they're back again. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of them for once and for all? There is a small gap around the foundations. I have a concrete path around the house and tarmac so the only debris I would have is what falls from nearby shrubs. I'm sure I had the millipedes in a flowerbed also last year. Could I fill the gaps around the foundation with concrete and hope that this stops the problem for once and for all? Many thanks in advance.
I also have this problem, in my experience they try to get into the house in August and September. I have been told that the reproduce in February/March so its worth putting down the ant powder now, even if you don't see any around. I also have cracks in the path around the house which will need to be replaced in the near future. Any more advice would be great!
I had these on my house when I lived in the UK, they were AWFUL.

Ant powder all over the place worked for me, and also my local pest control guy told me to pour boiling water on them. Personally, I couldnt, but he said it worked.
I have been invaded by these recently,,They are in a brand new house,Hunreds of them dead in every room,,I cant imagine how they are getting in.Any help would be appreciated
built a new house a few years ago , they came in with the bales of concrete blocks, keep putting the powder down & it seems to work but the eggs are in the ground . I don't know how you are supposed to get at them .
thank you bertie,You could be spot on with that,,The only blocks used in my build were in foundation,and they are in ground floor rooms only..Better get loads of powder on now before flooring goes down..Have them crawling up walls of my existing house at night,but pour boiling water,and it is certainly curtailing their breeding habits considerably,,

You may spray around the areas where you locate them, leave them to absorb the chemical - this chemical can be purchased from garden centers. I used the spray around the areas, left them overnight and hoovered them away. I then sprayed the areas again and am hoping for the best!
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I wish I had a photo off the millipede equivalants that we had in Kenya; very similar in shape etc, but as thick as my finger and about 4 inches long.
Everyone called them the Mombasa Express as they moved very quickly.
Does this little falla look familiar, Billk???... I've a friend who was doing Missionary work in that part of the world.... He was TERRIFIED of them!...

Delighted to say that I'm unable to access the link Mr Vader, but I'm sure that they will be the beasts that I remember. (and that I've spent years trying to forget!!)
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