Michael Healy Rae..

Take off your blinkers and you will see that in rural Ireland there is plenty of poverty, isolation and deprivation. . Of course there are wealthy people in Kerry as there are in Dublin Central. You don't have to live in a Corporation flat to be poor.

I don't support the Healy Raes but I also dont support any individual TD who holds the country to ransom and gets fund channelled in to his constituency solely because he holds the balance of power.
Distribution of government funds should be on a need basis not on political blackmail.

Are you seriously trying to compare inner city Dublin of the 1980's with South Kerry in the 2000's for poverty and deprivation?
You don't have to live in a Corporation flat to be poor.

I went to school in the inner city of Dublin in the 1970s and 1980s and saw for myself the conditions in which people lived in the general area of Sean McDemott Street.

I doubt that poverty in other parts of Ireland was as concentrated as in the Dublin Central constituency represented in the Dail by Tony Gregory.

If you're trying to establish an equivalence between Tony Gregory and the Healy Raes, then please detail how the HRs improved the lot of their constituents in an equivalent manner.

Getting a roundabout and bypass for Kilgarvan does not, IMHO, compare to the replacement of Victorian tenements. Getting a sports hall for Tralee does not, IMHO, compare with providing supports for communities being terrorised by drug dealers.

If things were done fairly in the first place there would have been no need for Tony Gregory to fight so hard to achieve basic safe living conditions for the people of inner city Dublin.
MHR will pay the mony back!!

In other news today, 308 people are waiting on trollies in hospitals, I wonder will this information be on the news this evening?
I presume the phone calls were made using some form of automated dialing machine and not by some lackey in Dail Eireann

Watever way you look at it, it's out of order.

If someone used an auto-dialler and connected it to the Dail Eireann phone system, then it displays a premeditation that veers very close to fraud in my view.

On the other hand, if a group of Dail Eireann employees were cajoled into manually dialling 3,600 times, it's both a waste of money AND a waste of LOTS of staff time.
I'm confused.

If he's innocent, why is he paying the money?

Is he not admitting liability by paying?

Once again, one rule for one ....
I just can't believe that any decent honest person would make Premium Rate calls from their employer's phone. Not just one call but 3636 of them. Nobody put guns to their heads. We are all being asked on a daily basis to support various good causes but we do not do it with someone else's money.

What kind of a bunch of morons are running the country
If someone used an auto-dialler and connected it to the Dail Eireann phone system, then it displays a premeditation that veers very close to fraud in my view.

I'd have thought that redial buttons on speaker phones are the most likely mechanism.
Castleisland actually moved in to the Kerry South constituency it seems. It was news to me also.

Oh sorry, that must be recent then as I remember the line used to be half way between C'Island and Farranfore.

I agree fully that it's out of order

I was replying to the suggestion that someone spent hours dialling and redialling the number, which IMO was highly unlikely (although you never know)
I think it has been mentioned but most employments both public and private bar premium rate phone calls. Why are they allowed in the Dail?