memory problem in laptop

But both slots do work when I try a single memort card out in them. Thats where its odd.
Ok, sorry I didn't properly read one of your earlier posts where you mentioned that detail. The good news is that would rule out it being a hardware failure!

Have you checked the BIOS settings then? If it's automatically searching for RAM it may be stopping after the first one is found. You may need to set the RAM configuration manually in the BIOS.
Have you checked the BIOS settings then? If it's automatically searching for RAM it may be stopping after the first one is found. You may need to set the RAM configuration manually in the BIOS.

I am not really too knowledgeable on BIOS settings, is that where when the laptop is booting up you click ESC to go into "Set Up" ? I went in there and the only memory related settings is to set how much memory Graphics gets allocated. Its set to Auto, I tried setting it to 8mb but made no difference. Or where do I get into BIOS settings?
I am not really too knowledgeable on BIOS settings, is that where when the laptop is booting up you click ESC to go into "Set Up" ? I went in there and the only memory related settings is to set how much memory Graphics gets allocated. Its set to Auto, I tried setting it to 8mb but made no difference. Or where do I get into BIOS settings?

That sounds like you're accessing the BIOS settings alright. The problem is that BIOS's are generally vendor specific. The method of entering them can vary as well as the options and menus available. I think you might have to trawl the Web for more details on your exact setup.
I searched for detailed info about Presario 2560 BIOS settings and found nothing useful. Have you run the hardware interrogation tools that I mentioned earlier? Another useful one is [broken link removed].
I searched for detailed info about Presario 2560 BIOS settings and found nothing useful. Have you run the hardware interrogation tools that I mentioned earlier? Another useful one is [broken link removed].

thanks for even trying. I'll run these checks this evening. I've been searching too but found nothing.
I ran the Everest utility, it just shows what I expected to see. That only 1 memory card in picked up regardless of what combination of cards or slots are used.