McCain vs Obama?

McCain because Republican policy is to reward companies with tax breaks for outsourcing work to cheaper markets(like Dell, Intel etc over here), therefore making the product cheaper and easier to sell abroad and increasing exports.

Obama because the world will be a little more relaxed without a Republican Hawk in the White House and less armed conflicts might mean worldwide inflation/unemployment/interest rates become less of a struggle.
McCain would be better.

McCain is far more capable as a leader.
When you look at US Presidency you've to weigh up the VP choice too as they're only a heartbeat away from power. I wouldn't be too happy having Sarah Palin as President
Republicans are fine with US mulitnationals locating in Ireland.

Obama is a protectionist who is proposing measures to prevent US companies locating overseas.

Both McCain and Palin have genuine Irish roots - McCain's family is from Donegal. Palin has very close Irish ancestory & had an Irish-American catholic upbringing. Her mother's family - the Sheerans - are Irish emigrants.

All Obama can conjure up is a remote possibility of some very very distant relative with no concrete proof.

In general terms, Republican Party policies (with the exception of foreign policy) are almost identical to the policies of the main Irish parties. The Republicans are essentially a hybrid of FF, FG & PD in outlook and so would appeal to the majority of the Irish electorate on most domestic issues.

In general terms, the Democrat Party are more similar to the UK Labour Party - to the left of centre, though Obama personally is more in the old Labour pro-union, pro-protectionist mold. Democrat views on a lot of issues would generally be at odds with the majority of the Irish electorate e.g. abortion.

Traditional "Irish" support for the Democrat Party is more to do with them being more favourable to immigrants than the Republicans - the support was due to 1 issue which was very very important to Irish people who immigrated in the later half of the 20th century.
Obama is a protectionist who is proposing measures to prevent US companies locating overseas.

Indeed, but I wonder is this just politicking? I cannot imagine Ted Kennedy for example supporting Obama so enthusiastically if the latter is so intent on damaging Irish economic interests in this way?
He is not intent on damaging Irish interests. He is interested in promoting US interests and we are collateral damage.
I would agree that for Ireland (economically) McCain is best - but for worldwide relations Obama wins out. Either should be light years ahead of GWB
Cork -- McCain capable. Was watching him on the news tonight and he could barely make it down the steps of the Aircraft. Capable of what ?? Picking a running mate from a place the same size as Belgooly. That will be great. Maybe the Beverley Hillbillies should take over the FED as well

Obama for World Peace and Minorities :Interests. McCain for 4 years of TV stress watching wars, conflict, hunger and pure human suffering. If the Republicans are so good for business why is there a worldwide depression running down the line.
Oh dear, just read some of the speech made by the bulldog with lipstick and now I'm really worried that McCain might win. That worries me as I think if anything these two will be even more conservative than GWB and will play even more on patriotism to obtain their objectives. I agree with mercman, 4 years of these two will be a nightmare imo.
If the Republicans are so good for business why is there a worldwide depression running down the line.

Because the Democrats are in power in the US - they hold both the Senate and Congress.
yeah, nothing to do with sub-prime lending, oil prices etc...

You'rep probably right, but perception is everything - the Democrats coming to power coinciding with the start of the financial collapse is something that the Republicans will be ramming down the electorates throat come November.
I almost spit out my coffee at this morning when I saw the photo of Palin they published. It's an unflattering side profile with her right hand raised in a wave but the angles of her arm at that moment happen to resemble a nazi salute.

This is in hilarious contrast to the Obama photo last week that was a close-up of Obama's face (to exclude the styrofoam temple pillars in the background?) oozing a relaxed smile with the lights behind him arranged to provide his head with a halo effect.

Very nice of the IT to allow some young agitprop students run their newspaper for a while!

The Irish media is very biased towards the democrats.

You won't see much on Rev Wrieght on RTE or the Irish Times.

Mr Bean would be a better president than GWB
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Mr Bean would be a better president than GWB

All depends on you perspective e.g. if you're a member of the Afghan Taliban or Baath Party in Iraq, then yes, Mr. Bean would have been a better President than GWB.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but I have watched quite a lot of TV time on Obama over recent months and I have noticed something that many might be afraid to say - that black people in the US are very racist themselves.

I have seen a lot interviewed and they seem to be voting for Obama simply because he is a black man, same as them. Rarely do you hear them mention his politics.

Anyone agree?
Anyone agree?

Yes but I think it's just incidental really. I'm sure many women would vote for Hillary only on gender basis, plenty of 'salt of the earth' everymen voted for Bertie because he's one of them etc
Yes but I think it's just incidental really. I'm sure many women would vote for Hillary only on gender basis, plenty of 'salt of the earth' everymen voted for Bertie because he's one of them etc

True. I'm sure Hillary would have got the woman vote as well.
plenty of 'salt of the earth' everymen voted for Bertie because he's one of them etc

In fairness this perception was as much the product of media spin as anything else. The FF core vote achieved in successive elections under Ahern was low in comparison to its historical core vote. Where Ahern succeeded was in attracting a higher percentage of lower preference votes towards FF, ie he did not alienate FG/Labour/PD/Green/SF/independent voters to the same extent as his predecessors. The extent to which this derived from 'salt of the earth' types (whoever they are) is utterly a matter for conjecture.