
I have the opportunity in starting a part-time MBA. I am looking at different Universities / Institutions in the Dublin area.
My question:is there a perception whether true or false, that depending where you do it, would affect future job opportunities? is there a pecking order?
I think its generally regarded in Ireland that the Smurfit MBA is most respected. I know a few who have done it, both full-time and part-time, and they all say it was worthwhile, but extremely heavy workload.

I don't know anything about the TCD one, but its ranked fairly high in the FT international MBA rankings, as is UCD.
Thanks for coming back,
Just wondering does anyone know anything about the MBA in Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and how it is perceived
Could anyone tell me how much the fees are to do the smurfit MBS. I'm interested in both the full-time and part-time course. Thanks.
A friend of mine is doing the full-time MBA in the Smurfit school and the fees are
€26,000. Partial scholarships are available