MBA, When is right age?


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Hello all,

I am interested in studying for an MBA.

I am 33 in a few weeks time.

The MBA i am considering is a part time distance learning one which will take 3 years to complete.

If it goes to plan I will be 36 by the time I qualify.

I would be interested in peoples opinion as to whether I am too old to pursue an MBA.

If anyone is currently studying or has recently completed an MBA I would appreciate advice about what the age profiles look like.

Thank you.
I would never think you are too old. Why you could have another 30 years of work ahead of you. I am doing one at the mo and I am in my 30's too. My class is younger than me but my sister completed one last year and her class were very mixed, from 20 - 40+. I think it is a sign of the times that my class is mostly young. Go for it!
I think you are about the right age as long as you have time to do it.
It's much better to do it after some years of experience rather than doing it in early/mid twenties. You will gain much more from it. I put little store in someone who has an MBA at 25 to be honest.
I've friends and family who completed MBA, MSc ... in the last four years, all in their fifties. Their's no limit to age on this one - go for it - it's enriching and adds to the CV.
I'm just about to finish an MBA and at 30, am around the average age in my class. There are quite a few classmates in their mid 30's so I don't see any problem with you finishing up at 36. This is the typical age profile in Europe, while in the US it tends to be quite a bit younger.

It's worth bearing in mind that some post-MBA opportunities may depend on age. If you haven't got into banking or consulting by now, it may be difficult to break into these through the traditional routes. Also, some of the industry rotational programs aimed at MBA graduates are looking for a youngish profile that they can mold into their corporations.

I guess it depends on what you are looking to use the MBA for. In particular, if you are looking to advance your current career or want to set up your own business, you will get a lot out of it. Best of luck!
I finished a Masters at 34. Nowaday's education is a process of life-long learning and some my own classmates were retired professionals who chose to go back and study other fields - so you are never too old! Good luck with your studies.