May I ask where my post has gone?

  • Thread starter Jesus Christ
  • Start date

Jesus Christ

May I be so bold as to ask this?

I have no problem with it being taken down if for some reason it was offensive. But I'd like to know why please?

I was only discussing something that is in vogue at the moment with the publication of books such as the Da Vinci Code.
Miraculous disappearence

As Miley Byrne used to say: "Well holy God !"

Now someone's made an entire post disappear !!

Only two more such miracles, and we could find one of the mods on the board elevated to Saint hood !!


From the editorial policy I can only see that "Posts which the moderators consider to be offensive are edited" would apply to my post.

It seems odd that something which refers to history and scholars such as Leonardo would be deemed offensive by anyone, especially considering what has been said in other posts recently.

I won't hold my breath but I'd really appreciate a better answer than it broke editorial policy. What was offensive about it?

Are we not allowed to discuss religion on this board?
I made no offensive remarks about This post will be deleted if not edited immediately.
Re: re

As the Editorial Policy states:

"... we do not enter into discussion on our editorial decisions."

Once again - the site is run and moderated voluntarily and most contributors are happy to comply with the posting guidelines and accept the rare cases when their contributions are subject to modification or removal in order to maintain the quality and relevance of the content. I'm afraid that we don't have the time or inclination to go into detailed discussions about such decisions. Sorry.