maternity leave for self employed?


Registered User
Hi all

quick question

wife was working as PAYE employee up to Feb2009. Made redundant. Has enough relevant PRSI contributions for mat leave benefit.

Since June 2009 she has been working part time self employed (No tax return yet, so no PRSI contributions in any Class since Feb 2009).
That means she currently has contributions but no employer as such.

will she qualify for mat benefit as self emloyed??
I'm self employed and am currently on Adoptive leave which has the same requirements as Mat leave. I started my leave in Jan 2010 so the assessing year was 2008. I was self employed in 2008.
However I went on adoptive leave in 2004 and the relevant assessing year that time was a 2002 which was a year I been a PAYE worker and I qualified that time too.

So based on my experience your wife should qualify. Apply anyway, They may ask for extra information but it's worth a try anyway.
She should qualify.

I have heard that they will actually go back over the past three years' earnings if need be to assess her contributions. Anyway, apply and see what happens.
thanks bob tg and gabsdot.
wife has made subsequnet enquiries with social welfare and it sounds promising.