Mortgage sold to Vulture fund - can I Overpay?


New Member
Our mortgage was originally with AIB and during the recession when one of us was out of work we came to an arrangement with AIB whereby we would pay a set amount every month - €1200. This would leave us with a balloon payment but we had good equity in the house.
Our mortgage was sold off in a bundle by AIB to Mars a few years ago. Mars have steadily increased the interest rate meaning we are now paying very little off the capital.
We are now in a much better position financially and both of us are working again.
I asked for a settlement amount from Mars last week and was shocked to find that we still owe €224,000.
Is it true that we can now overpay our mortgage with Mars in order to reduce the capital?
What would the effect be of overpaying be €800 a month for the next 8 or 10 years?
Thank you in advance to anyone who has any information.