Married Tax


Registered User

I've just been reading some of the posts regarding married tax credits, etc.

I got married in August 2008, however, we didn't register our marriage with the revenue because some one advised us that we can't claim tax credits for the first year.

Now my wife has been out of work for the past month and someone mentioned that I can claim her tax credits.

How does this work? How do I register with the revenue? Do we just send a copy of our marriage certificate?

Thanks in advance and apologies for my stupidity
You should phone or write to your tax office, giving your wife's PPS number, and asking for some of her tax credits to be transferred to you.
As regards 2008, you could make a return on Form 12 asking for relief in the year of marriage, as you may benefit from sharing allowances and tax credits. Any benefit would be time adjusted from the month in which you married. Any refund duw would be paid to each taxpayer in accordance with the proportion of tax paid by each.