Married Couple Tax Credits


Registered User

Myself and my wife got married last year Dec 2010.

We both work full time but just enquiring as to whether we are entitled to additional tax credits since we go married.

I have heard in the past that if one party does not work then the other can use their credits so this does not apply to us.

So my questions is if there is any additional benefit and does this occur automatically or do we have to notify the revenue of our marriage.

Thanks in advance
Hi we have an issue about our tax , as my husband seems to pay a lot of tax (100/wk) , my gross pay is 26 154 and my husband gross pay is 23174 we rent at the moment .
Can some one help us to calculate our tax .
Thank you
Hi we have an issue about our tax , as my husband seems to pay a lot of tax (100/wk) , my gross pay is 26 154 and my husband gross pay is 23174 we rent at the moment .
Can some one help us to calculate our tax .
Thank you

Not really enough info to go on.

Are you talking about just his tax paid, or are you including his PRSI and USC?

Assuming you are jointly assessed - and assuming you have claimed the rent tax credit to which you are entitled if you commenced renting prior to 07/12/2010, then you should be coming home with a net pay of €827 between the two of you. If you are jointly assessed, how much each of ye takes home will depend on how the tax credits are split.
We are jointly assessed and we do claim the rent tax .
100 /wk is just his tax without PRSI and USC
I think our tax credits are slpit wrong because his net pay per wk is 350 and my one 448 , does really matter which way they are split ?
We are jointly assessed and we do claim the rent tax .
100 /wk is just his tax without PRSI and USC
I think our tax credits are slpit wrong because his net pay per wk is 350 and my one 448 , does really matter which way they are split ?

It matters, to the extent that whoever has more of the tax credits will pay less tax, and their net take home pay will be higher than if everything is split down the middle. But then the other person's take home pay will be less by a corresponding amount, so it's like a see-saw... It won't affect the amount that you take home in total between you.

If his gross is 23,154, that is 445.65 per week. So if he's taking home 350 per week he's not paying 100 in tax, as he'd have USC of 18 and PRSI of 13.

You should register for PAYE anytime, and check your tax credits etc for the last couple of years, to make sure that you have both received all your credits. I suspect that one of you may not have the PAYE credit... just a hunch based on the discrepancy between your actual combined take home pay (798) and what I'd estimate ye should be taking home based on your gross...
mandelbrot, i had a look at my payslip and I dont have PAYE , the husband does , he is charged 43/wk .my tax credits are nearly 50% higger than his. Im registered online but I am not familiar how it works really .
Thanks a lot for sorting us out .
can you help me a bit more please,both of us have 1650 credits and 3780 shared me 3640 and him 320 seems very big difference , can u guide me a bit in which way should i fix for a better tax pay for both of us
can you help me a bit more please,both of us have 1650 credits and 3780 shared me 3640 and him 320 seems very big difference , can u guide me a bit in which way should i fix for a better tax pay for both of us

It looks like the Revenue have automatically assigned you as the assessable spouse and given you all of the 3300 marriage tax credit. Have you got the higher salary?

If you are registered on the online PAYE service you can select yourself how you want your tax credits assigned between the two of you.
I have the highest salary but there is no much difference and I dont pay tax my husband seems to pay it all , what i want to know is, if the credits are split equaly will we pay both a bit of tax and will be less than what we pay now?
you can reassign the credits between you both - he'll pay less tax but you will pay more by the same amount......
Thanks , we ll stay the way we are , as there is no difference really
can you help me a bit more please,both of us have 1650 credits and 3780 shared me 3640 and him 320 seems very big difference , can u guide me a bit in which way should i fix for a better tax pay for both of us


3780 = 3640 + 320 doesn't add up

what exactly are your tax credits?

you 1650 Personal + 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent ?

him 1650 Personal+ 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent?

I only saw the replies after 5.28pm when I posted after 7.30pm.
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Small bit of advice needed please if there are any experts out there. My wife and I were married back in mid-2010 but are still being assessed as single persons. My salary is 75k/yr and hers is 120k/yr. Couple of questions: 1) Is there any benefit to getting assessed jointly as opposed to singly; 2) Can we claim a tax refund back to the date we got married? Lastly, with my wife going off on (unpaid) maternity leave in the coming months will she be eligible for a tax refund and will her allowances then pass to me if we are being assessed jointly? Any help is much appreciated... Thanks
If you are both on 41% then joint assessment will probably make no difference but will be no worse. And when she goes on leave it could be beneficial allowing you to transfer some of her credits (can't remember the details but Revenue explain it on their site). In my opinion you should inform Revenue about your marriage and ask them to put you on joint assessment now and retrospectively back to 2010.

3780 = 3640 + 320 doesn't add up

what exactly are your tax credits?

you 1650 Personal + 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent ?

him 1650 Personal+ 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent?

I only saw the replies after 5.28pm when I posted after 7.30pm.

You are right
you 1650 Personal + 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent +3460=5110

him 1650 Personal+ 1650 PAYE + 320 Rent=1970
do you think is better if they are split equaly ?
I am married and for tax purposes i am assessed in my own name as my wife had no income. In addition to my Contributory old age pension i also get a qualified allowance for my wife which is higher than what she could get from a non contributory pension. my query is should i consider getting jointly assessed and would she be entitled to the PAYE tax credit in addition to the one i am already getting. Sorry it this is a bit confused.