Married Abroad


Registered User
We've recently gotten married abroad and want to be taxed as a married couple. How do we do this?
Our marriage certificate is in a foreign language so i guess this need to be translated. What other steps do we need to perform.
AFAIK you need to notify the registrar that you are in fact married! Check out for further information, failing that try
You then need to supply the revenue commisioners with notification that you are legally married in this country - you will need the registrar to confirm it first (see above).
I'm sure somebody else will be able to clarify further, but I would call the registrar first off.
Just in case you haven't had this sorted already I thought I'd post my experience.

After unsuccessfully trying to get through to the tax office by phone for weeks, I emailed them giving my husband's and my PPS numbers and our date of marriage and said we wanted to be assessed jointly. Received an email a week later confirming that our status and tax credits have been adjusted - no mention of the marriage cert. Like you, we got married abroad and we haven't had the cert translated yet so I was delighted.

As an aside, there is no need to register foreign marriages here. The original with an authenticated translation will suffice.
We were not asked for a marraige cert when we informed the revenue that we were married. No questions asked at all.
Hi, we were married abroad, and are expecting our first baby in a few weeks. Due to go to the new 'baby factory' in the CUH for the birth and on reading their newly published leaflet we have just realised that if we want to register the baby's birth in the hospital we need to have a translasted copy of our marraige cert with us. Anyone have any past experience of this or know where you go in the Cork area for translation services - does it need to be an official sevice? There are loads on the internet but just worried these wouldn't be accepted?
