Managing visitors parking spaces in apartment complex


Registered User

I just wanted some input in how other people in apartment complexes manage your visitors parking spaces.

We have 5 visitor spaces for approximately 50 apartments. In addition each apartment has one numbered space but a number of the residents have two cars.

We use a clamping company that we call to register the car for the visitor space. There are limits on the number of occasions that each apartment can use the visitor spot and the duration. But apparently people are still abusing this. Personally I haven't been paying attention and I am typically able to get a spot when I require one.

I'm asking this as there is a proposal to rent out these spots which I am against. It will be discussed at our next AGM and I wanted to see if others had methods that had worked. I feel strongly that I want to keep our visitors spots, parking outside the complex is very limited.

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Push to keep them as is. If rented, where will the money go, and who determines the rent? Presumably it will be used to reduce management fees? Reduction will probably be quite small, so will this outweigh the loss of the convenience of visitor spaces?

Presumably it is the people with 2 cars that are pushing for this? If so, approach the others with 1 car and get them to vote against.

I don't have much sympathy for people with 2 cars and one space - the made the decision to either buy/rent the apartment when they had 2 cars, or they got the second afterwards, either way they made a decision with eyes open.

Other residents who may have been (slightly) influenced by the availability of visitor parking when buying/renting shouldn't suffer.
I'd concur with rmelly, there is little advantage to you to renting these spaces, the return would not compensate for the difficulties involved in obtaining visitor parking when it is needed. Visitor spaces are a necessity not a frill.
Also only fifty-five additional spaces for 50 apartments? Even if they are all one-bed apartments that is too low really. Chances are with that few spaces you are in a city which means that there would be alternative transport arrangements available if they have to (shock and or horror) sell one of their cars. I'd have little sympathy for people who are basically already taking advantage of visitor spaces and looking to take even more advantage.