management fees outstanding


what does the 1100 pay for? My agent tells me they don't deal with houses? Then they send a letter asking for the fees!

I was only informed recently that the block insurance covers houses too. So when I get a policy so I can prove to the bankers that the house is insured I will be handing the refund due on the double insurance to mngt co. = fees paid

But getting policy when they don't deal with you is heart breaking!
Block insurance (including houses afaik), refuse, street lighting, landscaping, common area cleaning and lighting (only shared entrance apartments benefit but we all have to pay), caretaker.....those are the things that I can think of off the top of my head.

We have the problem that our leases are structured so we pay based on unit size rather than type so basically everyone else subsidises the services that the shared door apartments get. We have looked into it ad nauseum and that can't be changed. It would have been helpful if our solicitor had explained it but didn't so we're stuck with it. Still we have a really nice development so it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Hi Shesells,

After receiving some information, not everything I wanted but enough until our committee meetings. I have paid all my debts and my conscience is clear. Thanks