Management Company Question


Registered User

I received a letter this morning from a UK company claiming to be the Management company of my housing estate.

I moved in in 2006 and this is the first I have heard about a Mgmt Company. The Estate is still partially under construction and builders are still present.

blurb from their site says
"Initially, the management company is established by the developer, but the individual owners of the properties become shareholders, and pay an annual service charge. This charge, which is set by the managing agent, and is agreed by the shareholders at their AGM, is based upon the total maintenance and management costs of the development's communal areas."

The letter states that money was received by them from me for the first year. I didn't pay anything to any Mgmt Company. No AGM was held as I (a shareholder) should have been informed. I agreed to no fee being charged.

They are now looking for further payment up until the end of this year, covering things like mowing the green area, public liability insurance and 'fees relating to operation of a limited company'.

It also say that when payment is received, the company will be set up and a meeting will be held !? Strange when they already claim to have the company set up/

I was unaware of any provision of a Management Company when I purchased the house. Issues relating to the condition of the garden were ignored by the builders. Landscaping included in the plans has not been provided, 2 years later. As the Developer has not yet handed the estate over to the CoCo, I assumed that it was their responsibility to maintain the green areas.

Bottom line, I do not want to pay some Mgmt Company to look after this estate when neither I nor (presumably) anyone else has had any input as to the decisions made on our behalf by them, nor even decided on their appointment.

Is this a job for a solicitor or does anyone have any suggestions ?
You need to pull out the documents you have related to the purchase. If it doesn't mention a management company then I can't see how they can try and bring one in later.

If it does and you were not previously aware of it you need to contact the solicitor you used for the purchase. They can advise you further and in fact will have some serious questions to answer if they did not point this out to you at purchase.
Sounds a bit suspect, I'd satisfy myself that it isn't a scam first, in light of it being UK based, your having no knowledge of its existence for the last 2 years, and the inconsistencies you outlined.

Have you checked with neighbours to see if they got the same letter?

The company is based in NI, the Developer has previously done work in NI so there may be some connection there.

Haven't spoken to the neighbours yet...will do as soon as I see them.