Lowest cost ETFs


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Is there anything wrong with using a website like this to pick a diversified selection of (the cheapest TER) ETFs?


Should I stick to the well known providers e.g. Vanguard?

From what I have heard two ETFs tracking for example the S and P 500 can have suttle differences, but to the average investor will that make much difference and if not then should you just go for the one with the lowest TER?

Thanks.....I also found this information on Vanguard ETFs which I am considering buying...

Tracking error can also vary by provider. Vanguard — one of the three biggest providers of E.T.F.’s by total assets under management, along with BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors — had the lowest average tracking error last year, just 14 basis points. Vanguard’s E.T.F.’s are an outgrowth of its family of index mutual funds, which are the oldest in the business.

From here...