Low voltage connection. What are my rights?


Registered User
I live in a rural area at the end of a fairly long supply line, and I imagine I am sharing a transformer with some other houses.

An electrician recently did an audit on my supply, and said I was getting very low voltage. He said when my 7.5KW shower was on, my voltage was dropping to 175, which he says has the potential to damage appliances?

What are my rights as a customer here? He says that I should be entitled to the same voltage as anyone else (230 constant) as I'm paying the same rates as they are.

Sounds grand in theory, but what will ESB's view on this be? Can't imagine they're sitting around waiting to upgrade transformers in rural locations.
Seemingly there's a European standard on it.
[broken link removed]

My folks are at the end of a very long line, and got the wires upgraded about 10 years ago because of inconsistent supply.