Lost our accountant - what to do?

Reading between the lines - my take on it is that your Accountant could be ill in some way or has perhaps had some kind of breakdown/suffering from depression.

I have seen the same thing happen before in similar circumstances, person goes underground, hides out, contacts nobody, etc, etc.

It would sometimes appear that the most intelligent people are those walking the tightrope.

My advice would echo Graham07's. If you are compliant with Revenue/CRO etc, it is time to look at the other offers you have had and leave it at that.

Hi Manda - Iwouldn't rule out what you are saying and as a result I have tried to, as delicately as possible, eleicit a response. I actually did hear from him today having eventually been a bit more explicit in the mail to him and the response was positive. Incredibly the Revenue Commissioners called me about the lack of returns about 4 hours later - I explained the situation to them and they were very understanding. Remarkable coincidence but I'm hoping he does actually deliver based on his response so that we can move ahead once and for all.

Irrespective of what the guy has done for you in the past his actions here have shown a distinct lack of care and attention and you should run a mile before he lands you in something even worse. Likewise his partners lack of care is probably even worse. Get real.