Looking for professional help with filing a tax rebate claim


Registered User
Can anyone recommend a Dublin based low-cost accountant that can help with the hassle of filing a tax rebate application for a PAYE worker for the last few years ?

I know someone who recently did this but paid 400 EUR per year for the last three tax years. Refund was around 1,800 but the cost was 1,200 which seems a bit much to me. Would rather do it myself than pay this much.

Anyone know someone who offers a great service but at a cheaper rate than this ? Ideally flat rate for the last few years ?
If this is a straight forward PAYE worker with no other income it should not be too difficult to do yourself with a little help either from revenue or perhaps your local Citizens information Centre. Give them a ring in advance and ask which day have a person on duty that would help you with the forms. Some centres have specialist financial clinics on specific evenings