Wrong forum Looking for Dinosaur wallpaper

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Hi Guys, Looking for some Dinosaur Wallpaper. Such as Dinosaur King or Land before time. Saw some prices on Internet very dear.
i can't help with the wallpaper but if you can't find any would you consider getting a dinosaur mural?

i've seen this done in a childs bedroom and it looked great.
Not sure if this is relevant to your needs but you can buy a reasonably priced "mural" on www.partydelights.co.uk - and if it's to satisfy a phase someone is going through they also sell very a large cardboard cutout of a dinosaur!
Alternatively, consider getting the stickers that can easily be peeled off. It's amazing how quick they are too old or bored with something. My fella wanted The Incredibles, I was really easy to pull off the sticker 6 months later when the fad had passed!!

Most paint shops have a selection
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