Looking for deposit back after 2 years



I paid a deposit in july 2007 for a house but i have not been contacted since about completion, i know that there was a 2 year contract in place at the time that the builder had to have finished the house within this time but i have not been contacted by anybody. do you think it is as simple as calling my solicitor to get my money back or will i have to give a 28 day notice to complete to the builder in which time he might finish the house and i cant get a mortgage now because i'm not working. whats my best way forward, thanks
will he try and get me to close so he will get his commission, has any one been in this suituation and got there money back/
Have you gone to see how the building of the house has been progressing? Have you got a copy of your contract?
i got in contact with my solicitor today and he said that he will have to send a letter to the developer saying if the apt is not ready in 30 days i will be looking to get out of my contract, he also said it not as straight forward as it seems and the courts if it goes that way will side on the developers side
I doubt this is the case. You should have a contract stipulating exact completion dates and clauses detailing what happens if the builder is late on the project. What exactly does your contract say?