Health Insurance Looking for advice on switching from Simplicity to PMI 4316 please


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I have used the HIA comparison website, but got tremendous assistance on AAM last year, and am looking to run something past SnowyB or other experts again, please.
I am looking for a plan/plans that covers:
*2 adults and 2 children (renewal Feb. 8th)
*a semi-private room in a private hospital - to include the Mater Private, and good outpatient cover with a low excess.
(It would be great if the HIA website allowed you to compare plans based on a €1 excess.)

At present, the adults are with Laya Simplicity, and the children with VHI One+ Plan.

From my research, I am thinking of switching the adults to the new VHI PMI 4316, as for an extra €50pp, the excess drops from €100 to €1 per person.

I would also love to have the children included in the one family excess. At present with 2 separate providers, we have 2 separate excesses to reach, and as we are lucky to not have exceeded the excesses, we are never in a position to claim anything for our expenses.

So I guess I am looking for advice as to whether there is any better value than the VHI PMI 4316 plan (-and then if there might be a similar plan out there that all 4 of us could go under a similar excess)?

Thanks In Advance
Just to add to my above query, the One+ Plan that the kids were on does not cover any day to day expenses, and even though I had consultants fees totalling €385, I was unable to claim anything as these were shared across 2 kids, and the €250 excess is per member! so again, I guess the ideal would be to try to get the entire family on one plan with a low excess. It is just finding which one offers this for the least increase in cost.

The cheapest way to add day to day expenses with a 1 euro excess, for the children, is by adding VHI Healthsteps Silver to One + Plan.
Details as follows, I included both Silver and Gold options in the link to compare;

1. Healthsteps Silver; price 84 per child; click on outpatient expenses; 60 x 7 consultant visits, 25 x 7 gp visits, etc 1 euro excess.
2. Healthsteps Gold; price 140 per child; click on outpatient expenses; 75 x 7 consultant visits, 35 x 7 gp visits, etc 1 euro excess.
[broken link removed]

For the two adults;
1. VHI PMI 43 16; price 1136pa is a very good option overall, for claiming day to day expenses as well as ticking all boxes for hospital cover.
2. Laya Control 300 Create; price 972pa; all public, private(including private room), and hi-tech hospitals covered, good day to day cover with
a 1 euro excess. 80 refund per consultant visit, 30 refund per gp visit, dental etc.

[broken link removed]

Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your help again Snowyb.
I was unaware of the Control 300 Create.
From what I can see, there is a €200+ saving for switching the 2 adults from Simplicity to this plan; the only difference being a €200 higher excess, should an in-patient stay ever be required (or €75 higher excess for day case etc.).
Do you know if I missing anything else materially different?
Also, the Healthsteps Silver option for the children looked good until I looked at this Control 300 plan.
This is €10-odd per child more expensive, but it gives more generous GP/consultant/dentist reimbursements.
Is there any reason you can think of, not to move the kids from VHI One+Plan and Healthsteps Silver to the Laya Control 300 Create with us?
The main difference between the plans is the excess amount for admissions or day case.
Simplicity plan excess is capped at 100 x 2 per year, Control 300 Create excess is 300 'per' private/hi-tech admission.
Again, the VHI One+Plan excess is 125 per private/hi-tech admission or day case, Control 300 Create excess is 300 per admission, 125 per day case. Once you're ok with the 300 excess, this is a good plan overall, with extra day to day cover with a 1 euro excess.

There is no excess to pay in any public hospital.

Its a personal choice after that.

Thanks Snowyb. Paying €100 more but all 4 of us getting €1 excess on day to day. Exactly what I was looking for - but was expecting to have to pay a much bigger increase. You're great!