Fair Deal/Nursing Homes Loan repayment Farm after death


New Member
Hi there, I am really struggling to get my head around repayment of the fair deal loan after death, when the recipient has a farm and no successor. I am a family friend and have tried to find out from the Fair Deal and Citizen Information websites but just end up more confused And the family solicitor hasn’t helped much so far. The person was widowed and in care since 2009 and contributed 80% of her pension. I understand the house was capped at 3 years but the land is another matter. There is no one to take over the farm and it’s in a terrible state so will be sold. The original valuation was €124k and the current valuation is €236k, how will the repayment be calculated and how is it linked to CPI (saw this mentioned somewhere)? What would really help is a fact sheet for relatives but nothing as far as I can see…thanks to anyone who can shed light on this…