Loan offer... what next?


Registered User
Hi, we applied for a mortgage and were approved by PTSB. We are sale agreed on a property, valuation is done, they issued our Loan offer pack at the end of November and our mortgage protection insurance is in place.
We are hoping to close sale mid/late January. How long is approval usually valid for? Do you know if we will be required to submit more paperwork prior to drawdown? (Besides evidence that we have cleared our previous mortgage and car loan)... It has taken so long to get this far that I'm just terrified they'll change their minds and revoke the approval!!
What next?

Get loan approval from one of the lenders which is cheaper and treats borrowers much better.

EBS is the Best Buy for most people.

Have you got your house insurance yet?

Otherwise, let your solicitor do the conveyancy and wait for the cheque to be issued.

Steven (
Brendan, unfortunately PTSB were our only option as no other lender would approve us for the amount required.

Home insurance not sorted yet Steven, I was told to leave that until the week beforehand. It's not in a flood area or anything so shouldn't take more than a phonecall to arrange... i hope!