Lizzie Windsor to visit the auld sod

As a republican (small r, no armalite) I think it would be good for British Irish relations if she visited. Mary Mc gets a welcome in the UK, a sad state of affairs if we cant return the same courtesy.

That said I wont be buying or waving any Union Jacks, but I wouldnt find it abhorrent if the celebrity hunters turn out to see her, she's a celeb.

I dont think the 800 years needs an airing, some note of regret re the famine probably wouldnt be out of order, but I dont think "apologies" per se have any great meaning in this context.

Would be good for tourism etc, imagine all the coverage it'll get on UK TV, theres about 65M people a short hop away, the more of them that come to spend money the better.

Britain has always been a source of employment for Irish, and in modern times (say last 40 to 50 years) the Irish have not been significantly ill-treated there (we wont get into the Maguires, Conlons etc).

Overall I dont think the Irish nation bears ill will to the average british resident, so to insult their Queen would be an ungracious overreaction, and in living memory (anyone under about 85) we have a lot to be thankful to Britain for (events of 1969 onwards involving the British army notwithstanding).

So lets not make tools of ourselves...........
Dear Lizzie,

I never expected I'd write a letter like this, but in the face of overwhelming evidence and a groundswell of popular opinion I have no other options open to me.

You need to summon your PM, Dave the Rave Cameron, and Instruct him to withdraw his apology to the people of Derry, the victims of Bloody Sunday and the innocents shot to death and injured by those colourful young men in your 1st Parachute Regiment, you know the guys with memory-failure who pledged allegiance to the you, your heirs and successors.

It is crystal clear to me now that Dave's apology was unnecessary and inappropriate for the following reasons :

  • He was not PM when the atrocities happened
  • He was only 6 years old when 1 Para went on their killing spree
  • He did not commission the Saville Inquiry, that was the fault of Tony the Papist non-Tory (a truly distasteful man, Ma'am)
  • He never set foot in Derry until 2010
  • What happened in Derry was a long time ago
  • The soldiers responsible for the atrocity were yours, not his
  • Widgery had already established the facts to the satisfaction of successive British Governments
  • Given his American-Scotch ancestry, what happened in Derry all those years ago was none of Dave the Rave's business, so he shouldn't have interfered
  • The Paddies mistreated his cousin, Rose Dugdale, very badly by jailing her for her youthful exuberance and mis-adventures in the 60's and 70's so he should have received an apology, not given one.
So all-in-all then, welcome back Lizzie. Insulated and exonerated by time, distance, changes in management, accidents of birth and ancestry, your conscience can be clear as the driven snow, and in acknowledgement of this we'll revert your former possessions to their occupation names of Queesnstown, Marraborough, Queen's County, King's County, etc.

I remain then, Your delightedly new humble servant, in sole charge of historical revisionism and Chairman of the Ted Heath / Bertie Ahern Institute for honesty and accuracy in politics and history, A Poster.
Well that's just being silly and pedantic for the sake of it.

Why, she's not our Queen.
I don't read the British red-tops so I don't hear her called "the Queen" that much so it still seems strange to hear people in a republic talk about her as if she was their head of state.

Is that you Ruth Dudley Edwards?
The first question put to her during her visit should be:

"When is democracy going to be introduced to the UK? Having an unelected head of State who is superior to the citizens isnt really on nowdays........its something you'd expect from a third world despotic regime...".
I think the least we can do is be nice to the old bat if she comes. She had to put up with Terry Wogan and Bob Geldof over there. We also inflicted Jedward on her little land so I think that makes up for the famine.

Iran, the Vatican and the UK. All are Theocracies, two are democratic to a point

She takes money from the people in her country. The people in her country by and large are happy to pay it and have a Queen. Don't see the problem and fair play to her - must be the biggest bluff ever!
She takes money from the people in her country. The people in her country by and large are happy to pay it and have a Queen. Don't see the problem and fair play to her - must be the biggest bluff ever!

It is the biggest tourist trap in the world. She is a money maker for that Country
Windsor is her stage name. Her real name is Mrs. Battenburg.

Let her come if she going to bring some of them yummy cakes.
Although I do prefer the triangular ones with chocolate on, you know the ones. Put Prince Philip and George Bush in the Olympia with Tommy Tiernan, now there'd be a great night.

On a serious note, how many heads of state do we welcome here annually? How often does our head of state visit other countries? QE2 is just another head of state. Let her come but give her no more nor no less than would be accorded to any other or as we would expect be accorded to our President.
After hearing Martin ferris on the radio talk about this, I would not only welcome the queen, I would give her a bed for the night. Words do not describe what I think of Martin ferris and his like.
Crown lands eh, How did they come by the land in the first place.
Don't fool yourself. The land was taken in the first place.
Now we know the Royal Family like to play around a bit, but does anyone else think Breffny Morgan (he of The Apprentice fame) bears a very strong resemblance to Prince Charles?
Just check the family silver after the retinue leave. Remember, they have fecked off with it before
...but more so for setting up The Pale, where effectively for 200 years, Beyond the Pale went on as normal and the oppressive rule had absolutely no effect.

So little has changed. We have "that crowd up in Dublin with their laws and taxes", and then we have the plain people of Ireland who eat their dinner in the middle of the day.