Living pay day to pay day - need some advice please

Is he ever an inpatient? Or dose the service he attends have support staff. Check out any letters you have from the consultant and see who else is on staff. If there is a social worker contact them for help in applying for disability allowance for your son.

At 17 he is autistic with sight issues, endless hospital appointments. What are the realistic prospects of him getting the leaving and being able to hold down a full time job? Probably very low due to his permanent issues, so he should be eligible. Maybe he is not blind enough or not autistic enough for social welfare, I can’t tell but apply and if they refuse you can find out how much weight they gave to each element of his disability. The money would be so much help for food, keeping your car going to take him to his appointments etc.
Jilly welcome to AAM. The food issue seems to be a big problem for you. Contact the St. Vincent’s de Paul, as far as I know they deliver food packages and do good work especially for Christmas. Have you checked out your supermarket for the half priced food when it’s near it’s sell by date. All supermarkets do this, generally at a certain time of the day. Ask the staff. Are you good at making the most of the money you do spend on your groceries. Having a weekly meal plan for example. Have you worked out where your money goes each week, that’s a starting point on managing better.

If you come back with more details on your spending we may spot some areas that can improve. As regards your 15 year old, yes it’s hard to say no all the time, but as parents that is our role. Especially when you don’t have the income. Your daughter needs to understand that and stop asking you. Teenagers are brilliant at the pester power, but this should not make you feel bad, which she is doing to you, without really understanding. But don’t let it get to you. You’re having a tough time all of you. Made more difficult by the tragedy of losing your husband, their father. which is a big life changing blow, but you are doing great, you’ve got you and the children this far.
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I have re-applied fingers crossed hope my son receives some good news soon