List of Overused Names for Babies.


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A friend of mine has just had a new baby and called him Jack. Lovely name, but there must be thousands and thousands of kids under 10 with the same name. Other names, which are lovely but which I definitely think are overworked and in need of a bit of a break are:



Apologies if I've offended any posters. They are all really nice names.
Re: Overused Names

I agree - I quite like all these names but they are nearing saturation.

Goes in cycles though - a lot of the girls names are classic 18th century English ones. A new period in history will probably be pilfered soon. Won't be long before Mavis and Agnes and the like resurface - I kid you not.

You should at least be thankful that the names on your list are more common than Britney, Jordan etc !
Re: Overused Names

Yes, no doubt in a few years there will be loads of Doreens, Sheilas, Denises and Kathleens running around the leafy suburbs.
Re: Overused Names

Jack, Sam, Katie, Ben are not proper names, they are common diminutives of the proper names John, Samuel, Benjamin and Catherine respectively.

At least your friend didn't fall into the trap of string together random bits of misunderstood / mispronounced names with equally randomly placed vowels and consonants e.g. Jizzeperia, Flakontrala, DeSagoleon
Re: Overused Names

Gosh, yes, I should have added Flakontrala to my overused list. There's at least 10 of them on my estate.
Re: Overused Names

Connor is definitely a popular choice. Even in our circle of friends there have been 3 or 4 in the past couple of years.
Re: Overused Names

I agree they come in cycles.

Where do people tend to choose names from? Ive no children myself, but I know what male name Id choose - and its from literature. Dunno what female name Id go for but likely to come from literature also.

My own comes from a character in a film, said film is an unknown - but the mammy said she always remembered the name because it was so nice. My brother is named after a popular actor of the time (this actors christian name and surname could both be used as christian names - and there are loads of guys of my brothers age group with one or other of the names).
Re: Overused Names

I've no children but when/if (fngers crossed!) i do i'll be going for Irish names, i like Liam, Sean and Aisling. I like some more exotic names like Sophia and Mia but i'd be afraid they might sound too exotic/ like something from an Australian soap.
Re: Overused Names

There's probably loads of little Berties running around too. I suspect Brian (after our dear leader) is also popular.

Flakontrala is a cool name - is it Irish?
Re: Overused Names

My brother is named after a popular actor of the time (this actors christian name and surname could both be used as christian names - and there are loads of guys of my brothers age group with one or other of the names).

John & Wayne?
Re: Overused Names

If I have two boys, I am going to call them Stryder and Thorn.
Re: Overused Names

we've chosen Alice - seems to be rather rare at the mom, let's see if tim burton's new movie changes it
imho, better sarah or emma than apple, tallulah or whatever they name celeb kids now
Re: Overused Names

I have a boy and a girl, neither of their names on the list, although my wife's name is.
Re: Overused Names

Please don't tell us you've called one of your little darlings "Lokka"
Re: Overused Names

Had a boy recently and although fairly popular its not on that list you gave.

Also had a girls name in mind, and thats not on the list either.

I often look at the local papers and the pics of the newborns and some of the names are just plain silly. The 'celeb' lifestyle is definitely influencing childrens names these days, but I really hate it when parents take a name that already exists and decide to spell it 'their way'.
Re: Overused Names

I know what you mean - Rebekkah, Hollie, Keira.

I also think it would be refreshing if a celeb had a baby and called it Susan or Matthew or something ordinary like that instead of reaching for more and more outlandish names in their eternal search to be 'quirky' and 'different'.
Re: Overused Names

We almost called our son Jack...thankfully we went for a not uncommon but far from overused Irish name instead.

I feel sorry for boys born in 1979 who ended up being called John-Paul! ( apologies to anyone on this board who may be called John-Paul)
Re: Overused Names

I have 2 boys and 2 girls and only one name is on the list.
Re: Overused Names

I have 2 boys and 2 girls and only one name is on the list.

Ah, you must have taken the route my mum and dad did and just used numbers for names before signing us up to work down the pit.