limelawn estate in clonsilla


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Just trying to find some information on a couple of estates in clonsilla, limelawn & sorrell park. Does anyone know how quiet they are, are there any anti-social problems. Are they mainly families or any many rented out. How well built are the houses, any information would be great.

Just sold our house in Limelawn last year.

Pluses: Very well built Lynam house
Walking distance of Clonsilla Train station
Near Blanch centre - Westpoint gym etc.
Primary School across the road.

Neg: We were on the main road, which was all rented, some to eastern health board. Made our last few months difficult. Apparently inside the estate was quieter.
Traffic can be crap.
thanks for you reply kerrygold, is there any way of finding out the level of ehb houses. And by difficult do you mean nuisance neighbours or was it worse than that?
Difficult as in wearing earplugs to bed and watching dirty nappies floating around the back garden and watching front lawns turning into parking spaces.

Best tactic if you see somewhere you like, is to call up to the neighbouring houses, you can tell pretty quickly if the place is rented or not. Also call into a few houses (pretend you are looking for directions or something) and you can gauge who is living there.

The good news is that anybody who was looking to buy our house were all FTB's/home owners, so they may have got a bit pricy for investors to load the houses up with renters.

I'll emphasis that this only seemed to happen on a particular section of limelawn on the main road, within the estate seems grand from what I could tell.

Best o luck!
thanks for your reply kerry gold, I will try your advice re calling into the neighbours. Its so hard to know what a place is really like, but when you are paying 400k plus for a property you would like to think its going to be safe and yur kids can play out on the street with no bother

My sister bought in Limelawn about two years ago and loves it. Well built houses and she's lucky to have friendly neighbours. The only negative thing (and this is very, very minor) is that driveways are tiny and at the weekend's especially the roads in the estate look like a multi-story car park with cars piled on top of each other on the street!

All in all though, she loves the place and has never experienced any hassle
Hi Naheem,

I bought in Limelawn 2 years ago and I love the estate. I partially rent my house and my neighbour does the same, however I would say that we are the only two houses in the row that are partially rented.

There is a good mixture of families and young couples in the estate and it is well kept. You wont go wrong buying one - they have increased significantly in the past 2 years. As with all estates there are alot of cars but as I live in a cul-de-sac it is quite safe. I would definetely recommend limelawn and the neighbours are very nice so that always helps.

Go for it!
thanks for all your replies just one more question, what is the sound proofing like between the houses, I have lived in one semi with paper thin walls so don't want to do that again!!
Anytime I've been over to her house we've heard nothing from next door....and they have two young kids!