Life Cover delayed


Registered User
Can anyone pls explain to me why my life assurance company is looking for records of my deafness before making a decision?? Will it be a BIG risk to sign contracts without knowing whether if I get the life cover from this ins company or not....

I have been born deaf and have considered my deafness as normal. I realised last Friday when looking over a copy of my application form I checked "No" for "Eye, Hearing or Throat" disorder. But I don't consider my deafness as a "disorder" and it shouldn't affect my ability to buy a property....

This company have my application form 3 weeks ago - I heard just last Friday that they are looking for records of my deafness - and I'm due to sign contracts TOMORROW!!!

My current GP of 2.5 years doesn't have records and neither does my old family doctor. As far I can recall, the last official hearing test I had was about 20 years somewhere in Clyde Road, Ballsbridge so at this moment, I have no records....
Hi Cels13,

Sorry to hear about the delays and the panic you're probably now feeling! I do this every day and my big gripe is that banks/solicitors etc don't give people enough notice that life cover is a requirement. Also most people think that it's something straightforward and just means signing a form. In alot of cases it is straightforward but if there are any medical conditions or any issues at all they will always look for medical reports.

If you'd been told in advance then this could've been sorted well before getting so close to you signing. I understand your point that your deafnees is not a condition and so you didn't feel there was a need to put it on the proposal.

I don't know your medical history or your age in that there may be other factors that have resulted in them asking for the report. From experience as long as there are no other issues and you are under the non medical limits based on your age and the amount of cover you need you may be able to get another insurer who will do it without. At the end of the day you wouldn't be declined cover for this it just means the process will take longer than usual.

If your using a broker I'd get them to check with all underwriters and see if they'll do without. They may also do a post issue which means that they'd issue the cover and apply for a Drs report afterwards. If anything weird came up then the cover would be cancelled at that stage. Ring around I'd say is your best options.

Good Luck