Liebherr Fridge (Wine Storage)


Registered User

Has anyone any experience of these fridges ?

I want to get one for long-term wine storage. Although they are expensive, the alternatives (Eurocave) are even more expensive.
As they are only available on 'special-order', I thought I'd ask if anyone has tried one.

Thanks, eD
I was looking at these recently, only place I could find in Ireland with anything other than the EuroCaves was a 12 bottle mini cooler in Mitchells on Kildare Street for around €250.
Take a look at to see alternatives.
Hi Leo,

thanks for that. The prices I was quoted seem pretty much in line with those, once conversion and higher VAT is taken into account.

I was quoted €1089 for WKR4126 and €1489 for WKR 4677. Delivery is 3 months. The only ones held in stock here are "Wine Coolers" as used in restaurants etc.

There is another Irish supplier too (for Dometic and Vintage Keeper) see here

You might also get the Bosch one - DID (or was it Discount) had one in stock last year.
Nice one. I see they're part of the Wine Centre in Kilkenny, they've been Leinster off-license of the year for the last few years, winning the national award in 2003.